sábado, 31 de enero de 2009

Drugs in your head (o, una opinión sobre las drogas y la sociedad)


See now this is going to be a touchy subject for all you pot heads, all
you fucking bastards that are allowed to live the lives of medicinal marijuana.
I'll tell you right now these people do not give two shits about the medicinal
benefits of medical marijuana, they just want to get high and not get bothered
by the cops. That’s all it is, don't let 'em fool you, alright and I'm sick and
tired of, "Oh, well, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, marijuana." and, "Did
you know they can make jeans out of hemp? Very durable clothing can be made
outta hemp." Yeah and it feels like fucking burlap you dumb ass! Who the hell
wants to walk around in something that feels like a potato sack! Maybe you do, I
don't. And when they interview the head guy of these organizations, its usually
some fucking hacky sack playing dumb ass, with fucking beady, little, red eyes,
lying through their fucking teeth and giggling like an idiot. Don't give me
this, "Its a legitimate form of medicine." Yeah right just what our health care
system needs, a bunch of broke, pot heads running into every fucking hospital
they see, trying to get free medicinal marijuana, paid for by tax payers, so
they can get high because they made up some fucking stupid, dumb ass, fake
disease. "My eye hurts, give me some pot doc." Yeah okay, you know what you do?
Light a join and put it out in your eye! That’s my prescribed use of medicinal
marijuana. I'm sick and tired of people saying, "Well it relieves stress." You
people are the worst, 1.) Your weak will. 2.) You’re fucking pathetic. Oh, I had
a stressful day so I got to have some pot. Give me a fucking break okay?! You
people just can't deal with reality and that’s your fucking problem. I don't
give 2 shits about, "Oh I had a stressful day." Big fucking deal, the rest of
the world had a stressful day, alright, its called life, deal with it! And then
they try to throw that shit back at you, "Well I'm sure you have some
addictions, might be caffeine." Oh yeah, all of a sudden I have a cup of coffee
and I'm a fucking addict, oh, oh yeah, Creamfields too... LOOK OUT GETTIN HIGH
ON THE CREAMFIELDS! You fucking daft bastards, since we're on the topic of drugs
lets move on up... To the crack heads and all the other motherfuckers who have
to deal with some kind of foreign substance 'just to get through the day'. You
know this is the problem with society; everybody's got to have a fucking quick
fix. Why don't you people just say, "You know what? This is life and life is not
enjoyable. Fine I had a stressful day, you know what? I'm going to go home and
sleep, no! I got to whip out the crack and have six lines! Nice, you people are
pathetic and I hope you get shot in the head with a drug bus that went wrong.
You want to talk about a stressful day, try having a bullet removed from your
head! That is stressful, and don't think I'm picking on the 'illegal' drug
users! What about all you fucking parents out there that are on, you know, 15
000 medications for depression, for post whatever, oh I'm not happy, maybe I'm
in a depression... LIGHTEN UP! Give me a fucking break, nobody deals with their
own emotions anymore. An', and that’s the best, these fucking parents who
lecture their children about doing pot, yet they're swallowing a bunch of anti
depressants and chasing it with alcohol! Nice, stop being hypocritical you dumb
bastards! You want to lecture your kids, you got to be in the right position to
do it! You don't say, "One moment mommy, I got to go get my anti depressant and
I'll be right back to talk to you about your drug problem." Yeah doesn't anybody
see the irony in that? You fucking idiots and its like, you know, the maturity
of America is on some sort of prescribed, whatever. I went to a doctor and he's
like, "Okay so you got to take this and you got to take this, this and this and
that will stop that runny nose of yours." Well why don't I just wait for my
natural immune system to takeover the virus and kill it? "Oh yeah, I guess you
could do that too but here's a prescription just in case." Yeah bullshit, do you
realize how many side affects there are? I swear to god one said 'side effects
may include hallucination'. I'd rather have the runny nose! Fine, I might have
some snot on my upper lip but at least I'm not seeing Elvis in my refrigerator,
damn it! And the rest of you fuckers who are already on most of this fucking
shit, don't try pushing it off on people that don't want it especially your
kids! "Maybe Bobby’s got some attention deficit disorder." You know that maybe
the disorder's in the parent not the child! Okay take a good look in the mirror
and figure it out! If you still don't know and need help read this again!

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