sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010

Discoria: Relapse

¿Qué es una discoria? Es una historia en la cual figuran dentro de ella, todos los nombres de los temas de un dísco de alguna banda cualquiera. Para que no pierda la escencia, la misma tiene que ser lo más corta posible. Esas son las únicas reglas a seguir.

Banda: Eminem
Disco: Relapse (2009)
Temas: (Al final del post)

Its Tuesday, 3am in the morning, and I’m still hanging out at a random underground pub down Steve Berman’s street. Lately I feel like cracking a bottle every night, I just can’t sleep if I don’t. Nothing beautiful to stare at, just a bunch of broke, drunk bums drowning their sorrows in a bottle of Scotch, for old times sake. Paul, the bartender, just served me another round. I’m planning to stay wide awake tonight, something tells me it’s gonna be a long one. How are these things called? Oh yeah, déjà vu… I just had one of those. I was in a hospital, and a crazy doctor was cutting my head in two with a saw or something. Whatever, the door opens, and I turn over my right shoulder to see who’s comin’. It’s Tonya, a fifty-five year old prostitute from the suburbs. We all know Tonya, we’ve all had a lonely night sometime. She’s blond, although you can see half an inch of black hair coming out of her scalp. The price of dye must have gone up. She’s wearing a black leather skirt that exposes the bruises that taint her rotten legs like a Dalmatian, result of her demanding occupation. That’s her life, always the same song and dance, quite like mine, except for the fact that I don’t fuck for money, I just get wasted.
She comes over and says “Hello young man, want to buy me a drink?” Of course I don’t, I don’t feel like fucking someone who could be my mom…jeez. In fact, I don’t feel like fucking anyone right now, I’m feeling a bit dizzy, my blood pressure must be low. It must be the ganja. Hey, who’s playin’ bagpipes from Baghdad?

-Dr West, we are losing him
The electrocardiogram shows a steady line
-Everybody clear.
His body shakes as the one thousand volt electroshock resets his miocardic cells.
-Mr Mathers… Mr Mathers… can you hear my voice?
He slowly wakes up and recovers from his full laid down position, then sits on the examining couch.
-Yeah, why shouldn’t I? Oh…I’m so sorry doctor, I forgot to take my medicine again, is that it?
-Shit, man, this guy is insane…he’s a tough motherfucker.
-What are these stitches in my head?
-You almost die, sir. We made you an open brain surgery, we had to remove the tumor.

Hey Paul, why don’t you move your ass over here and get me another drink? this empty glass is starting to feel alone... Where was I? Oh yeah, the déjà vu.

1. Dr. West
2. 3 A.M.
3. My Mom
4. Insane
5. Bagpipes From Baghdad
6. Hello
7. Tonya
8. Same Song & Dance
9. We Made You
10. Medicine Ball
11. Paul
12. Stay Wide Awake
13. Old Time's Sake
14. Must Be the Ganja
15. Mr. Mathers
16. Déjà Vu
17. Beautiful
18. Crack a Bottle
19. Steve Berman
20. Underground

Hace click acá para ver otras discorias.

*Disculpen que esté escrito en ingles, pero los temas así lo exigían

3 comentarios:

  1. Que buen disco!

    Post interesante...

  2. yyy para cambiar un poco, vio'? estaba en el laburo y era el único cd que tenía a mano, disculpen el ingles, sé que suena elitista, pero no quedaba otra

  3. Ja! Hace mucho que no hacías una discoria.
    Y lo siento, pero la leeré en otro momento, estoy laburando desde las 8 am, en 15' me voy, y el esfuerzo mental que acarrea interpretar un texto en inglés (por lo menos para mí) es demasiado para esta altura del día.

    (Sin contar que cuando salgo del laburo me voy derechito a casa a estudiar para el puto final de Análisis Matemático II... si, yo también soy un loco como vos y me metí en Ingeniería).


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